Spring Cleaning Hacks for your Home


As the weather gets warmer, it’s a perfect time to do some spring cleaning. Not only will cleaning your home help you feel more organized, but it’s also a great way to prepare for the new season. Some health benefits include lower stress and fewer irritants floating around, which may help boost your immune system. Cleaning is also an excellent time to do some essential home maintenance, so you can spend the rest of your time enjoying the sunny, warm weather.

This guide has some helpful cleaning hacks that will make the process of spring cleaning a lot easier. From storage ideas to keeping your home organized and speeding up the cleaning process, read on to learn more.

When is the best time to start spring cleaning?

The first day of spring is March 20, but that doesn't mean you have to start cleaning on this date. Ideally, the earlier you start the spring-cleaning process, the more free time you’ll have later for fun activities as spring transitions into summer. There’s no right or wrong time to start, but ideally, you should begin the process sometime around April.

• Make a list of your cleaning goals and write them from most to least important or easiest to hardest.
• Check to ensure you have plenty of cleaning supplies, and stock up before cleaning.
• Choose a room, focus on that space first, then move on to the next so you don’t get overwhelmed.
• Start decluttering winter items you don’t think you’ll use next year to make cleaning easier.

Where is the best place to start spring cleaning?

Every person and every home is different. Some people can tackle big projects immediately, while others may feel overwhelmed taking on such a major task. You don’t have to go overboard when you plan your cleaning schedule. Instead, start small by cleaning out the closet or a guest bathroom, then work your way up to larger rooms like the kitchen and living area.

Alternatively, you can start by cleaning your most ambitious project first (maybe you’ve been putting off cleaning out the garage, for example), then work your way to smaller spaces as you go. Create a plan and a checklist to make the entire process easier.

Set a timeline

Setting a spring-cleaning timeline will help make the whole process go smoothly. Here are some tips to help you spring clean within a realistic timeframe while you take everyday activities like work, school, or free time with your family into account.

• Use the morning to wipe the walls and ceilings and to mop or vacuum the floor.
• When you get home from work, dust and/or wipe down surface areas like your furniture, bathroom vanity, and kitchen countertops. This time is also perfect for running a laundry load, folding it, and putting it away.
• Reserve the weekends for major decluttering when you’ll have more time to sort through your belongings and donate items you no longer need.
• Pick one day a week to do a major cleanup, whether it’s the kitchen, your garage, the bathroom, or your living room.

Out with the old

Spring is a great time to eliminate excess items in your home that you no longer use. Doing this also makes it easier to see and access the areas you need to clean. Here are some decluttering tips to help you begin.

• Go through every closet and remove garments, shoes, and accessories you no longer wear. Donating these items to a shelter or a local nonprofit is a great way to reduce waste and give your clothes a new life.
• If you have unwanted books, many schools and libraries are happy to take donations.
• Sort through bills and other paperwork and organize them in folders by type. If there’s anything you don’t need, make sure you use a shredder before disposing of it for security reasons.
• Check your kitchen and bathroom cabinets and throw out expired food and medication. Never flush medicine down the toilet. Some local police offices will take prescriptions for free and dispose of them properly.

Cleaning tips and tricks

Now that you have a better idea of when and where to start, it’s time to begin cleaning. Use these tips and cleaning hacks to help make your spring-cleaning project more manageable and less time-consuming.

• Declutter cabinets and closets first and pick up clutter in the living room and bedroom, so it’s easier to clean and see what you need to do.
• Give old towels and t-shirts a second life by cutting them into smaller pieces and using them as cleaning rags.
• Focus on one area of your home first and move on to the next room once the first one is complete, and so on.
• Try all-natural cleaning alternatives, like using lemon, vinegar, and baking soda instead of chemical-laden cleaning products.
• Don’t forget the outside when you do some spring cleaning. Scrub the grill, clean the garage, and clean up your patio and landscaping, so it’s ready for spring and summer enjoyment.
• Remember to clean the inside and outside of all doors and windows, including the frames.
• Spring is an excellent time to wash bath rugs and wash or change your shower curtain, making it fresh and new.
• Ask your family members to get involved and make a house cleaning chart with tasks for everyone to complete.
• Invest in home organization items like wall hooks, baskets, bins, and jars. Arranging items by category into labeled containers makes finding what you need easier.
• Now is a great time to start developing regularly scheduled, easy house cleaning habits that will carry you into the fall and winter.

Additional tips

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Remember the tips above and keep these additional tips in mind to ensure that your cleaning endeavors are easy and seamless (and maybe even a bit fun!).

• Consider renting a storage unit to keep larger items or excess belongings safe and secure until you need them. Doing this is a great way to free up space in your home without getting rid of things you might want later.
• Reserve tasks like deep cleaning the oven and shaking out area rugs for warmer days to ensure you have the proper ventilation. Open your windows to “air out” your home as you clean.
• Set up a cleaning checklist ahead of time and check off each task as you complete it.
• Change the air filter in your HVAC system and jot down the date so you’ll remember to change it again in 30 to 90 days.
• Spring is an excellent time for home maintenance, so make sure you inspect your roof, clean your gutters, and schedule an HVAC inspection.
• Do a deep cleaning of your kitchen appliances, including the refrigerator, freezer, oven, and dishwasher.
• Listen to music or audiobooks as you clean, so it’s more fun and engaging. It might also help you stay “in the zone” while cleaning.

With the right timing and a proper checklist, you can start spring cleaning early to make your house fresh and clean for the upcoming season. Keep these tips in mind and look for ways to make cleaning your home easy and fun. Not only is springtime an excellent season for getting outside, but it’s also a time of renewal. Use the season to your advantage and get your house sparkling clean so you’ll have plenty of free time to enjoy all of the beauty this time of year offers.


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