Fishing Equipment: Care and Storage


Fishing is definitely a fun sport, and a great way to wind down after a hard week at work. But fishing isn’t all fun and relaxation. Just like with plenty of different sports, fishing means making use of a variety of equipment.

If not properly maintained, this equipment can easily break if you’re not careful. Among these, taking care of your reel and rod is the primary priority you should think about. At the end of the day, everything else is secondary when it comes to catching fish in terms of equipment. With this in mind, we’ll take a look at some of the basic things to keep in mind while taking care of your fishing equipment!

Rod covers are quite simple and always affordable

If there’s one piece of equipment you need for your fishing gear, it’s rod covers. They are quite simple and almost always affordable. You can find covers made from textile for no more than 5 dollars, meaning they’re not a sizable investment. In that way, you’re saving your money in the long run, as protecting your gear means it will last longer. And they’ll be very important for protecting your fishing rod while you’re not using it and while you’re transporting it to a new location.

Most professional fishermen use them for their gear, because they provide protection for the entirety of your rod; from the top to the spinning reel. With this simple trick, your lines won’t get tangled, and no transport impact will damage your rod. After all, prevention is the best protection - so you need to think ahead if you don’t want your fishing equipment to be scratched or dented.

Rinsing to avoid corrosion from water

Many anglers simply pack up their equipment into their car storage once they’re done with their fishing trip. Make no mistake, how you pack up your gear for fishing will have a huge impact on how long it lasts you. Ergonomic storage boxes allow you to attain the maximum protection while also getting the most space out of your storage.

And while having your pick-up truck tidy is important, you should also make sure to clean your equipment. If you’re fishing by the sea, this becomes even more important — the saltwater increases the rate of metal corrosion on your rod. However, you shouldn’t disregard this when it comes to freshwater environments as well — such as rivers, streams, or lakes. Even here you could catch all kinds of algae or dirt on your rod, damaging its longevity.

With that in mind, the end of every fishing trip should entail you rinsing your equipment using freshwater; just a couple of squirts from a small bottle or a quick hosing down should be enough.

Proper care for lures and hooks

After you’re done with fishing, your lures and hooks could entangle themselves with your rods quite easily, or damage the upholstery in your car. Heck, you could even accidentally hurt yourself in the process. That’s why you shouldn’t just place the rod you used in your car without the proper attention and care. First, remove any hooks that you’ve got, along with the lures you’ve used, and put them in their intended storage box. Only then can you safely prepare the rod for transport.

Proper rod storage for a long lasting life

As you might imagine, how well you store your rod will mean a lot for how long it lasts. If you don’t store it properly, like somewhere where the sun’s heat could damage it, or in a small car trunk where it’s sideways; you won’t be sure whether it will remain undamaged. In some situations, the rod could bend and twist due to bad storage, making it practically unusable.

Try to find an area that’s solely dedicated to rod storage — and we’re not just talking about your pickup truck or your garage, but the boat you’ll be using too. A rod that’s stored with care is a rod you’ll be able to use for a long time, without being worried about how good it is.

Cleaning your rods frequently is key

This isn’t something you need to do all the time or even every time you go out fishing. However, anglers who dabble in fishing frequently should still clean their equipment on a monthly basis. Take a toothbrush you’re not using anymore and make a mixture of detergent, a bit of vinegar, and a lot of water. Then, proceed to clean the rod carefully.

This solution should be used on the entire reel assembly and the length of the rod, and also clean the inside of the rod’s guides. If any dirt or small objects become lodged in there, the entire fishing line will be compromised. As a result, your rod will become weaker as time goes on, and your casts will suffer.

Loosening your drag to protect your line

Obviously, if you’re fishing, you want the drag to be quite tight. On the other hand, storing fishing equipment long-term means loosening the drag from time to time. If you don’t do this on occasion, your drag will actually make the fishing line weaker. Constant stress that’s being applied to the reel will render the entire system more prone to breakage.

Also, if you’re sure that you won’t be fishing for a long time, you should think about disassembling the line in entirety; doing so will ensure that you’re not passively damaging the reel or the rod. And let’s remember that you’ll probably be putting in a new line once the next season comes around anyway.

Treat your rod the way it deserves to be treated

We’ve provided you with a lot of rules on how you should maintain your fishing equipment. But naturally, there are countless little things to keep in mind apart from the ones we’ve mentioned, and we could hardly list all of them. Because of this, there’s one golden rule that you should always consider — treat your rod the way it deserves to be treated. So, don’t just throw it into your truck. Don’t fool around and whack stuff with it.

In fishing, your rod is your best buddy and your pinnacle of fishing equipment. There’s no tool more crucial to this sport, and you should act accordingly.

We hope our brief guide was of use to you that you’ve learned something new today about the care and storage of fishing equipment. Make sure you’re staying safe in these times. Have a good one, guys!

By Jamie Stone


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